
Montebello is an innovative virtual city that offers its citizens a borderless space to start businesses, socialize, and thrive in a diverse and technologically advanced environment.

Developer: Created by Justino, MonteBello using Meta Horizon Worlds


Montebello aims to be the leading virtual city, merging innovation and community in a limitless space. Our goal is to revolutionize digital interaction through advanced technologies, creating an ecosystem where entrepreneurs and creatives flourish. Investing in Montebello means joining the forefront of technological and social avant-garde, forging a future where digital progress and human connection uniquely intertwine.

  • Bilingual environment (English and Spanish)
  • Wide variety of VR experiences, including festivals, comedy, games, and boxing
  • Virtual real estate available for both personal and business use
  • Signature events like the Metaversic Dance Music Festival
  • Dedicated business space for entrepreneurial ventures
  • Leadership and Development Center for skill and career growth
  • A global talent community fostering international collaboration
  • Expansive marketplace for diverse transactions
  • Networking events to connect with peers and industry leaders
  • State-of-the-art technology platform supporting all activities
  • Sustainable economic system ensuring long-term viability
  1. Acquire an Oculus Headset: The first step is having an Oculus headset, the virtual reality device needed to access Horizon Worlds.
  2. Download Horizon Worlds: Turn on your Oculus headset and navigate to the app store. Search for “Horizon Worlds” and download the app.
  3. Open Horizon Worlds: Once installed, open the Horizon Worlds app on your Oculus headset.
  4. Search for Montebello: Within Horizon Worlds, you’ll find a search bar. Type “Montebello” in this bar to search for our metaverse.
  5. Explore a Variety of Worlds: After searching for Montebello, a variety of worlds related to our metaverse will be presented. You can view and select any of them to start your experience.
  6. Use Portals to Navigate: Upon entering Montebello, you’ll see several portals. These portals will take you to different areas and experiences within Montebello.
  7. Continuous Internal Navigation: Once you’ve entered Montebello through a portal, you won’t need to return to the main menu to explore other places. You can freely move within the metaverse using the internal portals.

Montebello stands as an exceptional metaverse, offering a perfect balance between business opportunities and enriching experiences for the ordinary citizen. Meticulously designed to simulate the dynamism of a real city, this digital space invites both entrepreneurs and explorers to dive into a world of possibilities. Here, entrepreneurs find fertile ground for growth and innovation, while citizens enjoy the freedom to navigate a vibrant and realistic environment, full of opportunities to acquire unique services and make purchases. Montebello distinguishes itself by offering exclusive benefits to its inhabitants, providing monetary incentives that encourage entrepreneurial creativity. This dual approach ensures that every visitor, whether a business visionary or someone seeking an authentic and attractive experience, finds their place in Montebello’s vibrant tapestry.

Montebello actively promotes user interaction through a series of initiatives embedded in its social and business fabric. The virtual city hosts interactive events ranging from educational workshops to cultural encounters, creating meeting points for idea exchange and relationship building. At the heart of Montebello, decision-making is democratized, allowing citizens to participate in the community’s direction and development. This openness extends to emerging leaders, offering a platform where they can establish their presence and influence. By smartly incorporating the needs of a wide range of audiences and demographics, Montebello ensures that every voice is heard and valued, fostering an inclusive and connected environment where all citizens can thrive and contribute.

Montebello stands out as an ideal space for education and skill development, inviting teachers and experts from various fields to enrich its citizens. This approach turns Montebello into a center of continuous and diversified learning, offering access to specialized knowledge and training in an interactive and collaborative virtual environment.

Montebello actively encourages the creativity of its citizens by providing them with a variety of platforms and tools to share and showcase their original content. Through a Facebook group, a dedicated website, and a YouTube channel, Montebello offers digital spaces where citizens can post, discuss, and promote their creations, from art and music to technological innovations and business projects.

Montebello remains active and appealing to its citizens through a variety of events, such as nightclubs, talks, theater and comedy, and especially with a major annual electronic music event. These activities not only entertain and foster creativity but also attract new citizens and facilitate more connections within the community.

Consult Justino.

Montebello stands out for its ability to be relevant to a wide range of audiences, regardless of their cultural background or interests. The virtual city has been designed to welcome everyone, offering a diversity of spaces and activities that adapt to the tastes and preferences of each individual. From art and culture spaces to entertainment and business areas, Montebello ensures that every citizen finds their place and opportunities to connect and interact. This inclusivity and diversity make Montebello a unique environment, where people from all cultural backgrounds and preferences can feel welcomed, valued, and part of a vibrant and constantly evolving community.

At Montebello, the security of our citizens’ information is handled with extreme seriousness, although we only store usernames and outsource payment methods. We employ advanced encryption techniques to protect data and collaborate with secure payment providers to ensure protected transactions. With constant monitoring and a firm commitment to privacy, security is a key aspect in the planning and development of all our projects.

Oculus Headset (Meta Quest 1, 2, 3, Pro)

For the most current and official information, please visit the official website.

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